
Book Publishing

With thousands of books being published daily, only a select few achieve notable success. Why is that? The key is often the absence of essential publishing services that help a book gain the reach and engagement needed for substantial success.

Cubeval offers premier book publishing services, ensuring your book is available on major platforms both locally and internationally. We also develop effective strategies and campaigns to generate traction and visibility through a mix of traditional and contemporary channels.

Contact our book publishing team today, and let us invest our time and expertise into making your book a success!

We Provide a Diverse Range of Publishing Services

Print on demand is a printing technology and business model where books are only printed once an order is received, enabling production of single or small quantities. This approach minimizes financial risk by allowing books to be printed as they are ordered and makes it simple to update existing titles.

With print on demand, you never need to worry about stock shortages, and you don’t have to sacrifice quality. Additionally, this method is easily scalable to meet varying demands.

To sell your book as an eBook, you need to convert your document into a format compatible with eReaders. The two primary formats are ePub, which is compatible with most eReaders, and .mobi, used by Amazon’s Kindle. Converting to eBook formats enhances adaptability, accessibility, and searchability.

Additionally, eBook conversion offers improved traceability, better analytics, enhanced content security, and the option to include rich media formats.

Self-publishing involves releasing media, particularly creative works, directly by the author or artist without the involvement of a traditional publishing house. Authors who self-publish typically enjoy complete creative control, higher royalty rates, and full autonomy over the publishing process.

Self-publishing also offers greater flexibility to make adjustments if any aspect of the book isn’t working as planned.

An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a standardized identifier used both nationally and internationally to uniquely identify books, particularly those not intended for ongoing publication. Obtaining an ISBN enhances your book’s discoverability and purchase potential by including it in databases used by booksellers and libraries. This inclusion links to crucial information about your book and facilitates more efficient marketing and distribution.


Introducing the Best Web Development Solutions for Your Business


Our expert developers build a customized site structure that improves all aspects of our online presence.

Web Design

With our professional web design services, your website will look and feel great from the get-go. gaining you traffic and conversions in no time!

User Experience

We craft websites that make your website users feel more comfortable and confident offering navigation that gives the best possible experience.


Our team can help you create all-screen-friendly websites that are visually appealing and customizable to fit your customer’s specific needs.

Cross Browser Compatibility

Our sites work on all the latest web browsers, you can be sure that your business will reach a broader online audience than ever before.


Our optimized web development makes your website faster, more effective and easier to use helping increase your traffic.

Our Book Publishing Process

Contact Our Team

Our project managers collect all the necessary information required to ease your book publishing process.

Evaluation & Analysis

We evaluate your given information and analyze the possible prospects that could assist your book publishing effectively.

Editor’s Approval

Once we receive your manuscript, our editors ensure to make it error-free and incorporate any further feedback on the edited document.

Proofreader Approval

After your approval of the edited document, our proofreaders ensure to review the manuscript to comply with the publishing regulations.

Publishing Junction

Our publishing agents ensure that your book receives the exposure it deserves. Hence, they strategically publish on the desired platform.

Post-publishing Support

Publishing doesn’t make you a best-seller. Therefore, our team suggests strategies that would boost sales.


Don’t just take our word for it

Our clients are very happy with our services. Our team has a great understanding of how to use technology to reach your target market and produce amazing results.

Never knew the impact of digital marketing until I found Cubeval. The team is professional and knows what they are doing. I would highly recommend their services to grow your business!

Jim A. Lamb
Jim A. Lamb

They ask a lot of questions! But that’s what makes them understand the business in and out and churn out the potential of the business you never thought of initially. Highly recommend their services.

Jenny K. Snow
Jenny K. Snow

Getting Started

4 Easy Steps to Attain Our Solutions

We can get our marketing team to get started on your project in as little as 4 easy steps.


Make an Appointment

Make a call or send us an email, and we will ask you the perfect time we can meet. (We can arrange the perfect time that fits your busy schedule)

Get To Know Our Team

Meet our friendly team of experts who are passionate about making you successful online.


Get Consultation

Our expert marketers will architect strategies and tactics that will help your business thrive.

Start Your New Project

We then will start on your new project by creating a marketing plan and targeting the right audience.


Ready to Kick-Start Your Project? Get in Touch Now

It’s never too early(don’t delay) to give shape to your project, and we can help you get started in the most efficient and effective way possible.


Get in Touch With Us Today