
Refund Policy

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation: If a client requests cancellation, services will cease within 5 business days from the date of request. Any fees paid in full for services beyond the cancellation date may be eligible for a refund as per our refund policy below.

Cancellation Terms: No refund will be applicable for milestones that are already completed. Only 25% refund for that specific milestone is applicable in case cancellation request is received while a milestone is in progress.

Refund Policy

Clients who have paid for the services in full, may be eligible for a pro-rata refund for the unused portion of the service, provided the cancellation request is made per the notice period outlined above.

If a project is cancelled after work has commenced but before completion, the client will be billed for the work completed at the time of cancellation. Any excess payment beyond this will be refunded.

Eligibility For Refund

Cubeval takes every project very seriously and ensures that the same is handled in a professional manner and the client gets the result as per the terms and conditions of the proposal. However, if the client is not happy with the outcome and has gone through the dispute resolution process, we do consider refund requests as per the following schedule which clearly lists the services and our refund policy related to each service.

Processing Refunds

Refund Request: All refund requests must be submitted in writing.

Approval Timeframe: Upon receiving a refund request, Cubeval will process the request within 30 business days.

Refund Method: Refunds will be credited back to the client’s preferred payment method.

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding cancellations or refunds, please contact our customer service team at